Maturity Model: Item for next week's agenda

Now that we are in the process of fine tuning and soliciting comments on the document, I propose that the Maturity Model workgroup also begin revisiting and refining the Maturity Model Assessment Tool that we have prototyped.

In my opinion, this tool when finalized will be primary deliverable of the Maturity Model, as it would be the tool used by organizations to assess, score, and improve ICT Accessibility maturity levels over time.

The prototype currently exists as a google spreadsheet, complete with scoring formulas (thank you Sheri!) and contains sections for each dimension  including dimension proof points inventory, maturity stages with descriptions, and the mechanism to score the dimension maturity.

The next steps would be to update the prototype to make sure that it maps directly to the components of the document (proof points, maturity level descriptions, provide instructions, etc) , but more importantly to determine the best format(s?)for a fully accessible, final deliverable… downloadable, editable file, or a web application, or both.

Please add the tool effort to the agenda.


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Received on Thursday, 30 June 2022 12:34:25 UTC