Re: FW: Verifiable Credentials: Top A11y Use Cases

On 5/22/20 8:41 AM, 'Janina Sajka' wrote:
> * You're correct that success for this use case will depend on the
> * ability to leverage infrastructure that's deployed for
> * high volume needs. This use case very much needs to take
> * advantage of what's being done for other reasons to succeed. I
> * suspect there's no disagreement among us on that.

Yes, and there are multiple Verifiable Credential projects that have
passed the proof of concept phase and are well into the pilot phase
that, when deployed, will have reach into tens of millions to hundreds
of millions of citizen's lives (in a privacy-preserving way). I expect
that the a11y use cases will ride on top of those rails.

US Citizenship and Immigration Services' conversion of their permanent
resident card to a Verifiable Credential is one such project that has
been made public:

> * Leveraging transfer of goods is certainly an interesting
> * possibility. I presume it's just as usable on incountry
> * transfers as at international borders? 

Yes, although the US Customs and Border Protection and Transport
Security Administration operates at the international borders and
international airports, far less so in country.

> e.g. U.S. States
> * interested in controlling agricultural infestation would use the
> * same technology? I think of Hawaii certainly, but also
> * California/Nevada/New Mexico. I'm aware of agricultural controls
> * at all these borders at least with surface road vehicles. Hawaii
> * also limits service animal transport.

Yes, although there hasn't been any movement that I know of in that
area. It's still largely paper based and companies tend to self regulate
well in that space... as the price of not following regulations are
heavy fines and potential shutdown of the business.

Verifiable Credentials have been viewed as a convenience/opt-in
technology. Paper is still going to be around for decades, but going
digital gives the holder of the digital credentials conveniences that
carrying paper does not (faster processing). So, digital credentials
tend to put you into the fast lane... but if you still want to use
paper, avoid the body scanners, etc... there is still that option...
it'll just take longer.

> * The documentation required for service animals is veterinary. So
> * there also needs to be a nexus for a veternarian to e-update an
> * animal's medical record. Currently this is the real bottleneck.
> * It's lots of paperwork that requires careful validation.

Yes, and unfortunately, that's something that no one is working on right
now. That said, the systems are fairly trivial to set up -- it boils
down to "how do you pick up the Verifiable Credential for your service
animal?"... and that process looks very much like "how do you pick up
your permanent resident card?". The technology isn't the difficult thing
here... it's educating Veterinary Services that the option exists,
getting the vet onboarded into the system, and then, of course, the
difficult part of figuring out who pays for it (typically, the customer
pays for the convenience -- either directly, or through taxes).

> I list these because I want to make sure you're considering the last
> item above as well. Without it, the use case breaks down.

Yes, we're considering it. Unfortunately, the education aspect is the
most difficult and I expect that there will be quite a bit of it that
has the customer educating the veterinarian about the option.

> You are welcome to contact me directly with any needs on this use case.
> I'll be happy to assist and also to keep APA and our RQTF updated.

Wonderful, thank you Janina. I have an upcoming meeting w/ US CBP where
I will float the use case out there to see if there is interest on their
side and who the point of contact should be.

-- manu

Manu Sporny -
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: Veres One Decentralized Identifier Blockchain Launches

Received on Friday, 22 May 2020 13:12:21 UTC