RE: Remote meeting wiki - help needed to add new section

To Josh

Many thanks for that, really appreciate it. I'll give some further thought for the recording view, may be able to slot it under some existing headings. 


Dr Scott Hollier 
Digital Access Specialist 
Mobile: +61 (0)430 351 909
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-----Original Message-----
From: Joshue O Connor <> 
Sent: Monday, 6 April 2020 7:07 PM
To: Scott Hollier <>; RQTF <>
Subject: Re: Remote meeting wiki - help needed to add new section

Hi Scott,

On 06/04/2020 09:58, Scott Hollier wrote:
> Josh could I trouble you to slot this in and help find the right home for some other info on the wiki?
> I'd like to create  a new section called 'Sector-specific guidance' and within that have an 'Education/Learning Management Software (LMS)' section.

Np - done. I've also added a references section with your suggested links.

I didn't address your comment about the place for 'final recording view'.

HTH, thanks.


Emerging Web Technology Specialist/Accessibility (WAI/W3C)

Received on Tuesday, 7 April 2020 00:40:12 UTC