Accessible RTC Routing use case and Audio Device Client proposal from Web Audio Community Group

Hi all,

For anyone tracking some of our discussion about Accessible RTC, and the 
Routing use case  [1] - this may be of interest. It from the 'Audio and 
Games' section of the Games Workshop report. [2]

There is an Audio Device Client (ADC) proposal, under incubation in the 
Web Audio Community Group, which aims to provide truly low-level audio 
input and output.  Audio Device Client is suggested as middle layer 
between the Web Audio API and the audio device used by the browser.

Here is the explainer for the Audio Device Client proposal 

There are different features of the proposal including threading for 
audio, but what is of interest is the suggestion to modify I/O buffers, 
which could help with performance, some AT output does not need to be 
high sample size/bitrate, and especially the ability to select audio I/O 
devices via a MediaTrackConstraints pattern and modify the 
inputDeviceId/outputDeviceId. You can also use suggested 
inputChannelCount/outPutChannelCount properties as constraints on the 
global Audio Object (that my reading anyway).

It is not meant to replace the Web Audio API but to function as a 
customisable middleware and could be a way for people with disabilities 
to manage bespoke/complex routing of multiple audio input and output 
directly in the browser.






Emerging Web Technology Specialist/Accessibility (WAI/W3C)

Received on Tuesday, 27 August 2019 14:20:48 UTC