notes from today's RIF meeting

Present: Christian, Sandro, Michael, Leora

The plan:

  -- Leora will fix the @@'s in primer by Thursday
  -- Sandro will make snapshots and circulate a poll for publication
  -- People can signal their approval of moving forward with the

(Then Sandro and the chairs need to put together a Transition Request, 
have a Transition Meeting, etc, etc.   Might happen before ISWC, might not.)

Leora brought up that UCR was never published, despite decision on 
9/28/2010 to publish it (pending a few edits).  She'll see if she can 
track down and finish those edits.    That, and improvements to Primer, 
don't need to hold up rec-track documents -- just need to be done by end 
of year.

      -- Sandro

Received on Tuesday, 23 October 2012 15:43:25 UTC