Re: [RIF] Okay to publish documents?

I will fix RIF+XML data (but not before next week).



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From:   Sandro Hawke <>
To:     "Boley, Harold" <>
Cc:     RIF Working Group <>, 
"''" <>, Ivan Herman 
Date:   07/11/2012 17:48
Subject:        Re: [RIF] Okay to publish documents?

On 11/06/2012 06:46 PM, Boley, Harold wrote:
I've approved them but noticed the minor problems below.


-- Harold 
RIF Overview
References should also cite RIF Primer.

Can you fix this?

RIF Combination with XML data
RIF Combination with XML Data
6 Appendix A: Glossary (non-normative) 
Editor's Note: This section will be completed in a future draft.


RIF Test Cases
Leora Morgenstern, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Name URL? Affiliation at time of writing (now SAIC)?

I pinged Leora and she's fixed this.

      -- Sandro

From: Sandro Hawke [] 
Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2012 5:37 PM
To: RIF Working Group
Cc: ''; Ivan Herman
Subject: [RIF] Okay to publish documents?
I've generated snapshots, and made a web poll where you can say if you're 
okay with this going forward.

My plan is to bug everyone every day this week until they vote.  :-) You 
can vote "Abstain" if you really have no opinion and want me to stop 
emailing you.

The poll form is here:
The documents are all linked from here:
Obviously please speak up if you see any problems.

       -- Sandro

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Received on Wednesday, 7 November 2012 23:44:54 UTC