Re: Urgent: Issue with RIF-Core EBNF Grammar?

On 11 May 2010, at 19:10, Christian De Sainte Marie wrote:

> Axel Polleres <> wrote on 11/05/2010 19:49:27:
> > 
> > The point is: if the membership facts don't "materialise" in RIF, 
> > how can any rule with a membership assertion in the body ever fire...?
> > (maybe that view is too operational)
> Why should they "materialize" in RIF? The only place where you need them to "materialize" is where you implement your RIF rules! 
> That RIF cannot represent facts does not mean that the environment, or even the rule language, in which you implement the rules recovered from a RIF document cannot either. 
> Thus, you can import the rules from RIF into your inference engine, and the facts from somewhere else. Actually, I would expect that this is the case in most usage scenarios. 
> Does that make sense? 

I see your point, if that was the intention and is not a problem to anyone else, I guess I can live with it. 


> Christian 
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Received on Tuesday, 11 May 2010 20:34:34 UTC