[SWC] omission in RIF-OWL2RL combination embedding

Axel has found an omission in the embedding of RIF-OWL2RL combinations
into RIF [1]. In particular, the embedding of simple statements
  SubClassOf(A B)
where A and B are class, was not considered. I corrected the problem
by adding the new row 28 to the table in section of SWC.
I would argue that this is not a substantive change, but rather a
bug-fix: the embedding does not work without the new row 28 in the

Cheers, Jos

[1] http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wiki/SWC#Embedding_RIF-OWL_2_RL_Combinations
[2] http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wiki/SWC#Embedding_Normalized_OWL_2_RL

Jos de Bruijn
  Web:          http://www.debruijn.net/
  LinkedIn:     http://at.linkedin.com/in/josdebruijn

Received on Tuesday, 8 June 2010 11:43:51 UTC