RE: [PRD] Refraction Semantics may be WRONG!

"Paul Vincent" <> wrote on 18/11/2009 21:08:22:
> ?So, PRD provides a syntactic way to differentiate between the 
> "loop" and "no-loop" cases, as exemplified by the modify_loop [1] 
> and modify_no-loop [2] test cases: they represent the same rule, 
> where the intended behaviour is to loop [1] or to refract [1]. ?

Ooops! Please, read: "... where the intended behaviour is to loop [1] or 
to refract [2]", of course.

> If this is the case then I agree RIF covers both semantics!
> Thanks for the explanation.

British humor, I guess...



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Received on Wednesday, 18 November 2009 21:43:27 UTC