Re: [ISSUE-37] New proposal on RIF interoperation with XML data and XML Schemas

Interesting. I have a question about your proposal (the first part of [1]).

You are proposing to treat element names as classes and element instances as
member objects. But in XML (Schema, not DTD), the same element name can be used
to represent different things at different levels. For instance, Name can be an
element that describes people's names, company names, pet names. They all have
different structure, and they can appear at different levels of nesting.
So it does not make a good sense to just write ?x#ex:Name.

I may have missed where you talk about it, but it seems to be a problem with
your proposal.


On Fri, 13 Mar 2009 18:08:01 +0100
Christian de Sainte Marie <> wrote:

> All,
> </chair>
> I have uploaded a new document [1] that contains:
> - my new proposal for dealing with XML data sources and for importing data sources' data models as XML schema (closer, in the approach, to the way SWC deals with combining RIF and RDF/OWL; and compatible with it, as far as I can see);
> - Gary's strawman proposal for mapping XML Schema valid data to RIF frames [2].
> These are proposed resolutions for ISSUE-37 [3] (Interoperation with Object-Oriented XML (using XML Schema, like JAXB)). Mine would also resolve ISSUE-38 [4] (Interoperation with Arbitrary XML (like SAX/DOM)), I think.
> Notice that the two proposals are orthogonal and not incompatible with each other.
> ISSUE-37 is on the agenda for the next telecon. I will try to add some more examples in the document before Tuesday.
> <chair>
> Christian
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]

Received on Monday, 16 March 2009 19:55:13 UTC