[PRD] PRD TF telecon Tuesday 27 January

Teleconference W3C RIF WG
Production rules dialect (PRD) task force
27 January 2006

North America and Europe are in the Winter time:
1800 UTC, 1000 (West US) 1300 (East US) 1800 (London) 1900 (Paris)

Duration: *60 min*

*Proposed agenda*

1. Proposed PRD meeting in Paris Wednesday 11 February

2. Objects VS Frames (30 mn)
Hassan swears that the problematic of Objects VS Frames really reduces, indeed, the question of "methods" aside, to the semantics of assertion being addition of a new fact in the case of multi-valued attributes VS replacement in the case of mono-valued ones. This being ascertained, can we combine the benefits of the two proposed approaches (specific syntax for mono-valued attributes VS mono-valued attributes signaled only by use of specific action with replacement semantics) in a design that has the drawbacks of neither? 
- Discussion of proposed approaches (if you do not have an approach to propose, think of one! Hopefully, we will all think of the same :-)

3. PRD test cases (15 mn)

4. Scheduling work towards LC (15 mn)
- retro-planning from end of March

5. AOB
- Next meeting: February 3

*Telecon details*
Zakim bridges: +1.617.761.6200 (US), +33 4 89 06 34 99 (F) or +44.117.370.6152
Conference code: 743773 ("RIFPRD")
IRC Chat: irc:irc.w3.org (port 6665), #rif-prd
Web-based IRC (member-only): [http://www.w3.org/2001/01/cgi-irc]

Please note that RIF-PRD telecons are for attendance only by RIF Working
Group Participants and guests invited by the chairs.

Received on Monday, 26 January 2009 17:30:52 UTC