RE: [RIF-APS] Rules Sign

Most Production Rules system have rules in the form  IF/WHEN
<conditions> THEN <actions>.


I'd recommend we adhere to the existing practice which is to have the
conditions first followed by the actions. 

Replacing the IF .. THEN by a '=>' as in '<Conditions> => <Actions>'
would be ok.





From: []
On Behalf Of Adrian Paschke
Sent: lundi 1 septembre 2008 22:09
Subject: [RIF-APS] Rules Sign




With respect to the abridged presentation syntax there is still an open
issue about the sign to distinguish the head and the body of a rule.


Currently, we use ":-" in the examples e.g. in UCR and PRD, which is
well-known in the logic community but not so much in others including
production rules.


I shortly discussed this issue with the BLD/FLD editors Michael and
Harold and we came up with this unambiguous proposal to distinguish
classical implication and rules head and body.


<== for PRD and BLD

<-- for classical


<== and <-- might be also reverted ==> -->






Received on Thursday, 4 September 2008 11:54:56 UTC