Re: Regrets for tomorrow's teleconf. and summary on DTB discussions.

Hassan Aït-Kaci wrote:
> Axel Polleres wrote:
>>   STRING            ::= '"' ANYSTRINGWITHOUTQUOTES '"'
> Not even an escaped one? (As in, e.g., "foo\"bar"?) Not that I
> would envisage that it would make any sense or be needed, but
> since we're nailing little details down, and I have a current
> vested interest in knowing such particulars for my current BLD
> surface syntax parser/tokenizer, I might as well ask... :-)
> Thanks.

Well, I'd say:



Dr. Axel Polleres, Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI)
email:  url:

rdfs:Resource owl:differentFrom xsd:anyURI .

Received on Monday, 5 May 2008 15:17:55 UTC