Media-Type (MIME type) for RIF

Sorry, but I made a mistake when I said we didn't need to worry about
media-type registration for Last Cast.   The registration form is
supposed to be a normative appendix (to BLD, I think), as per:

Harold, do you have time to give that a try?  In particular, the
template in section 10 of ?

There is some complication here, though, in the media type being for all
of RIF, not just BLD.  That's kind of tricky.....  Ponder, ponder.
Perhaps BLD should just name the expected mime type
("application/rif+xml" I guess) and say the full registration will
follow (in some general RIF-syntax document?).

     -- Sandro

(this completes ACTION-475 woefully late.)

Received on Thursday, 12 June 2008 17:06:18 UTC