fyi trackbot features

There are a bunch of new features, some announced today [1], some that I
missed earlier, like:

<sandro> ACTION-500?
* trackbot getting information on ACTION-500
<trackbot> ACTION-500 -- Michael Kifer to metadata to mathematical description -- due 2008-06-16 -- OPEN

<sandro> ACTION: josb testing aciton syntax
* trackbot noticed an ACTION. Trying to create it.
<trackbot> Created ACTION-520 - Testing aciton syntax [on Jos de Bruijn - due 2008-06-12].

<sandro> ACTION-520 closed
* trackbot attempting to close ACTION-520.
<trackbot> ACTION-520 Testing aciton syntax closed


        -- Sandro


Received on Thursday, 5 June 2008 10:49:49 UTC