migration of specs to mediawiki

I took a pass at trying to convert BLD to MediaWiki:


I decided to try to leaving the wiki "source" as HTML, instead of wiki
language.  This is an idea I had recently, as I realized MediaWiki lets
you use most HTML intermixed with wiki code.  Editors should think about
whether they want to do this.  I can run it through a script that
converts to wiki-markup style if that's prefered.  Advantage of real
HTML: you can use your XHTML tools.  Specifically, I'm using emacs nxml
mode on that page.  Disadvantage: Some people find wiki 'markup' easier;
wiki support for this approach has a few problems, like the DOCTYPE
cruft that's visible on the page, and you still need to use wiki syntax
for links.

I didn't convert all the inter-page links (eg to Positive Conditions)
properly yet, and I think there are a few other markup things I missed.

      -- Sandro

Received on Tuesday, 8 January 2008 00:48:44 UTC