Re: CORE: nascent issues list

I withdraw this one.

Following Gary's comments at the telecon I checked out the current PRD 
draft in more detail and indeed the syntactic overlap is much greater 
than I thought and is sufficient for what we've been discussing as CORE.

I must have been remembering an earlier draft, my fault for not keeping 
up with PRD.


Dave Reynolds wrote:
> Dave Reynolds wrote:
>> What other issues have I missed?
> 6. Relationship to PRD
> How literally do we mean "CORE is the intersection of PRD and BLD"?
> One approach would be to make CORE a subset of BLD such that a CORE 
> ruleset would be a legal BLD ruleset but would also be implementable by 
> means of a typical production rule engine.
> An extension of that would be to provide a syntactic mapping from CORE 
> to PRD which preserves ground entailments. That way any PRD conformant 
> system could implement CORE by implementing that syntactic transformation.
> Another approach would be to modify the syntax of PRD so that a CORE 
> ruleset could be both a legal BLD ruleset and legal PRD ruleset.
> [My working assumption has been that we would take the middle approach - 
> a syntactic transform to show the relationship between CORE and PRD but 
> that might not right.]
> Dave

Received on Wednesday, 20 August 2008 11:30:29 UTC