Re: CORE: nascent issues list

Gary Hallmark wrote:
> you'd also need to extend builtins to support multiple arities for the 
> same function symbol.

Gary, pls see the Editorial note in DTB... wouldn't some shorthand like 
the one defined in the beginning of Section 4.5 do the trick?

> I think the builtin approach can be made to work but it's rather ugly 
> for my use case, because I always need to assert a classification and 
> the frame slots, so I always have a rule head like
> And(func:genSym(long-argument-list)#MyType  
> func:genSym(long-argument-list)[slot1->value1 slot2->value2])
> I prefer something more purpose-built:
> New MyType[slot1->value1 slot2->value2]
> This way, you don't have to write the long-argument-list twice -- you 
> don't write it all.
> We can explain that the semantics are equivalent to the above where 
> long-argument-list is constructed from the rule ID, its Forall 
> variables, and an occurrence number (should multiple New formulas appear 
> in the same rule).
> Michael Kifer wrote:
>> On Sun, 17 Aug 2008 10:18:22 +0100
>> Dave Reynolds <> wrote:
>>> Michael Kifer wrote:
>>>> On Fri, 15 Aug 2008 16:07:45 +0100
>>>> Dave Reynolds <> wrote:
>>>>> (c) some genSym builtin
>>>> Just 0.02c: this cannot be in the Core or in BLD.
>>> Surely it could if it was deterministic (in which case genSym is not 
>>> a great choice of name).
>> Exactly. A builtin function instead of a gensym is a different matter.
>>> Perhaps something like:
>>> """
>>> func:genSym
>>> (?arg1, ... ?argn;  func:genSym(?arg1, ... ?argn))
>>> Generates and returns a constant uniquely determined by the values of 
>>> the n arguments. This constant takes the form:
>>>     "gensym:ID"^^rif:local
>>> where ID is a string uniquely determined by the values of the 
>>> arguments ?arg1 through to ?argn. For example, this might be a digest 
>>> of the concatenation of the canonical lexical forms for each argument.
>>> """
>>> Thus to use it to generate skolem constants the rule author would 
>>> need to explicitly include a rule identifier and the values of the 
>>> universally quantified variables in the set of genSym arguments.
>> This would not be a Skolem function. You need an infinite supply of those
>> functions to achieve the behavior of Skolem functions. But because our
>> situation has restricted syntax, a builtin like this can go a long way, I
>> agree.
>>     --michael 
>>> Would something along those lines be reasonable?
>>> Dave

Dr. Axel Polleres, Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI)
email:  url:

Everything is possible:
rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:Resource.
rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:subPropertyOf.
rdf:type rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:subClassOf.
rdfs:subClassOf rdf:type owl:SymmetricProperty.

Received on Tuesday, 19 August 2008 09:42:45 UTC