first shot OWL compatibility page

Dear all,

I made a first attempt at an OWL compatibility page:

What I try to do on the page is make clear which choices we need to make
with respect to OWL compatibility.
Basically, we need to decide whether to support OWL Full, OWL DL, or
both, what the syntactic correspondence should be, and what the semantic
correspondence should be.

Please have a look at the page to see whether I missed anything.  I
tried to pre-filter all possible choices to only those which are
applicable land which are realistic, considering that we are a W3C
working group.

I guess we can discuss the choices in the telephone conference next
week, or using e-mail.

Best, Jos
Jos de Bruijn  
The third-rate mind is only happy when it is
thinking with the majority. The second-rate
mind is only happy when it is thinking with
the minority. The first-rate mind is only
happy when it is thinking.
  - AA Milne

Received on Tuesday, 11 September 2007 15:02:09 UTC