anonymous frames?

Dave Reynolds <> writes:
> Given that the proposed mapping of RDF to RIF will map the triple 
> (s,p,o) to the Frame s[p->o], then RDF lists will end up as nested RIF 
> Frame structures:
>    _:1[rdf:first->a, rdf:rest->
>        _:2[rdf:first->Y, rdf:rest->
>            _:3[rdf:first->c, rdf:rest->rdf:nil]]]

Is there a way in F-Logic to have a frame without a name?  For example I
want to write that John's mother's brother is Henry, without naming the
mother.  Can I say something like:



     -- Sandro

Received on Tuesday, 19 June 2007 13:12:45 UTC