Re: Datamodel Strawman (ACTION-298)

Well, we have to invent Yet Another Rule Language (maybe 2: Horn and PR) 
in order to have a standard onto which to map all of our favorite yet 
nonstandard ones.  I don't know why the situation should be different 
for Application Data Models.  Maybe someone can propose a concrete 

Paul Vincent wrote:

>(With apologies as I have not checked the debate from last week's call).
>My concern is re inventing Yet Another Data Representation language,
>just because we have a semantic web + common data processing communities
>of interest. 
>Paul Vincent
>TIBCO | ETG/Business Rules 
>>-----Original Message-----
>>On Behalf Of Dave Reynolds
>>Sent: 16 July 2007 09:01
>>To: Gary Hallmark
>>Cc: RIF WG
>>Subject: Re: Datamodel Strawman (ACTION-298)
>>[Sorry I'm going to top post rather than do a point-by-point comment
>>because I seem to be suffering from context failure.]
>>At Innsbruck the chairs pointed out that RIF should not invent yet
>>another schema language. For that reason when we adopted the Frames
>>proposal several people (myself included) opposed the Classification
>>proposal. Though we didn't formally reject the Classification proposal
>>This RIF data model seems to be based broadly on the Classification
>>approach, or at least on strongly typed frames, and seems to replicate
>>parts of XML Schema into RIF.
>>Is this necessary?
>>Could we just have untyped frames in RIF plus a mapping from those to
>>XML, leaving all syntactic type validation to the XML schema
>>Or could we have a set of builtins for navigating XML data from within
>>RIF (for example, XPath like)?
>>Hewlett-Packard Limited
>>Registered Office: Cain Road, Bracknell, Berks RG12 1HN
>>Registered No: 690597 England
>>Gary Hallmark wrote:
>>>The statement for this action reads "Show how to use XML Schema for
>>>Data Model".
>>>This begs the question: what is an "App Data Model"?  I believe that
>>>must define such a thing in RIF, and only then can we define a
>>>between XML Schema (or relational databases, or OWL, or RDFS, etc.)
>>>this RIF Data Model (RDM).
>>>*RIF Data Model
>>>*Informally, a RDM is a set of "frame types".  A frame type
>>>the type (URI) of the frame and the names and types of the slots. A
>>>type is one of the RIF-supported XML Schema datatypes, the name of a
>>>frame, or is unspecified (meaning "any type").
>>>*Abstract Syntax
>>>class FrameType
>>>    property type : Const
>>>    property slots : List of SlotType
>>>class SlotType
>>>    property name : Const
>>>    subclass SingletonSlotType
>>>        property type : Const?
>>>    subclass ListSlotType
>>>        property elementType : Const?
>>>At this point, I'm not exactly sure what we decided on in Innsbruck
>>>the ASN for frames, so I'll make assumptions here:
>>>class Frame
>>>    property oid: TERM
>>>    property type: Const
>>>    property slots: list of Slot
>>>class Slot
>>>    property name: TERM
>>>    property value: TERM
>>>A Frame's type may be the same as a FrameType's type.  If so, then
>>>Frame's slots must agree in number, name, and type with the
>>>*XML Schemas define lots of 1-to-many relationships using the
>>>"maxOccurs" attribute.  This is modeled in RDM using generic lists.
>>>generic list has an optional type parameter to constrain the type of
>>>list elements.
>>>*Friendly Syntax
>>>FrameType ::= 'type' CONSTNAME '[' (CONSTNAME '->' SlotTypeName)*
>>>SlotTypeName ::= SORTNAME | 'list' ['<' SORTNAME '>']
>>>*type book [ author->string title->string ]
>>>wd1#book [ author->?X title->LeRif ]        // ?X must unify with a
>>>type bookshelf [ contents->list<book> ]
>>>mybooks#bookshelf [ contents->list( wd1#book [author->Christian
>>>title->LeRif] wd2#book [author->ChrisW title->"The RIF Book"]) ]
>>>*XML Schema
>>>*I believe that frame types as described above with the addition of
>>>generic list type are sufficient to model most complexTypes of XML
>>>Schema.  Additional mechanism is needed to model the "facets" of
>>>types such as value space restriction using enumeration, regex, and
>>>numeric range restriction.
>>>Note the XML Schema specification is complex and "real world"
>>>technologies such as JAXB 2.0 [1] have specifications that are well
>>>300 pages long.  It is unlikely RIF can handle all the "corner


Oracle <>
Gary Hallmark | Architect | +1.503.525.8043
Oracle Server Technologies
1211 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 800
Portland, OR 97204

Received on Monday, 16 July 2007 16:30:27 UTC