Re: How core is Core?

Bijan Parsia wrote:

> The strongest thing I'd personally say is that there will be multiple 
> implementations of DL Safe SWRL rules in owl engines which will want to 
> exchange rulesets with each other and with other systems as appropriate. 
> I believe that the user base will be pretty happy with that.

Seems reasonable. Would that community be happy with continuing to use 
DL Safe SWRL for interchange or is there some additional need that a 
compatible RIF dialect would satisfy?

> (This, of course, says nothing specific about what "goes into" Core.)

Quite so.

>> This subset of Core is implementable in both production rule and LP 
>> settings.
> [snip]
> I thought a sticking point was recursion?

I don't think so, I believe the issue is the ability to build recursive 
data structures.

Certainly is known (e.g. [1]) that for both datalog and semi-positive 
datalog[*] the production style fixed-point semantics and the 
declarative (minimal model) semantics coincide.



[*] Semi-positive datalog  = datalog with negation over just the edb 
relations (i.e. relations not mentioned in rule conclusions), which is 
what I meant by closed-world negation over dataset partitions.

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Received on Wednesday, 4 July 2007 08:33:07 UTC