Re: classification as subset of RDFS axioms

> During the last meeting, I think you were proposing that the
> classification system being described could be seen as a macro for some
> BLD rules, and that these rules were a subset of the rules one would
> need for the full RDFS semantics.  Would you be willing to write the
> smaller set of rules down, and maybe some of the nearby excluded RDFS
> rules?
> I'm looking for something like a mapping between BLD documents with #
> and ##, and BLD documents without # and ##, but with the same (or
> similar) entailments.    Is that doable?
>     -- Sandro

I am not sure what you are after, but the only axioms entailed by the
current semantics are:

Forall X,Y,Z   X##Y <- X##Z and Z##Y.
Forall X,Y,Z   X#Y  <- X#Z and Z##Y.


Received on Friday, 3 August 2007 18:29:11 UTC