Re: [RIF] Extensible Design: Horn semantics and syntax... RDF/OWL integration conventions

On Thu, 2006-09-14 at 13:23 -0400, Boley, Harold wrote:
> Michael & I have completed our Horn semantics and syntax
> actions from Tuesday, as part of the RIF Extensible Design:

The code I wrote to translate N3-rules also translates RDF/XML.
So I can run it on the OWL tests... for example, attached
find ,statecode.xml, the output of running it on... 
and ,list.xml, the output of running it on

The RDF parser in swap/cwm treats turns first/rest triples into
something more like a function term. So that's the way I have
written them out in RIF:

      <Ind iri="" />
        <Ind iri="" />
      <Ind iri="" />

Specifying a list function symbol and the relationship to first/rest
involves induction, I suppose. I think it's worth doing, though.

My approach to RDF "triples" is to use a 3-place "holds" relation:

      <Ind iri="" />

This allows us to write rules corresponding to the RDFS semantics
and parts of OWL, as in the owl pD* paper

I transcribed those rules into N3 and then played
around with them a bit...

Jos has done something similar... 

Attached find ,rpo.xml , the output of my N3-to-RIF
translator on that rpo-rules.n3.

For example
  {?P rdfs:domain ?C. ?S ?P ?O} => {?S a ?C}.

turns into...

        <Ind iri="" />
      <Ind iri="" />

FYI, I have a couple versions of RDFS semantics in rules;
one transcribed faithfully from the spec... 
and one that omits "boring" rules like "everything is a Resource"...

and for those who want to play along at home, this is the
exact command line I'm using:

~/w3ccvs/WWW/2000/10/swap$ PYTHONPATH=.. python2.4 --rif |tidy -i -xml

and this assumes you have swap checked out, per

And if you want to use tidy...

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Monday, 25 September 2006 17:38:16 UTC