- From: Chris Welty <cawelty@frontiernet.net>
- Date: Fri, 01 Sep 2006 09:04:00 -0400
- To: public-rif-wg@w3.org
This proposal is nothing more than a simple structural reorganization of Peter's proposal to emphasize the correspondence to RIF phases. A Proposal for a First-Order Semantics for the Condition Language I propose that the semantics for the condition language be based (solely) on a standard first-order semantics. The syntax for the core (Phase I) condition language (without negation) is: Data ::= value Ind ::= object Var ::= '?' name TERM ::= Data | Ind | Var | Expr Expr ::= Fun '(' TERM* ')' Atom ::= Rel '(' TERM* ')' | TERM '=' TERM LITFORM ::= Atom QUANTIF ::= 'Exists' Var+ '(' CONDIT ')' CONJ ::= 'And' '(' CONDIT* ')' DISJ ::= 'Or' '(' CONDIT* ')' CONDIT ::= LITFORM | QUANTIF | CONJ | DISJ The semantics for this condition language are essentially compatible with the standard semantics for first-order logic without negation. More formally: Let D be a non-empty set (of domain elements), divided into DD (data) and DI (non-data). Let Data be the set of syntax elements recognized by the Data / value production, Ind be the set of syntax elements recognized by the Ind / object production, Var be the set of syntax elements recognized by the Var / ?name production, Fun be the set of syntax elements recognized by the Fun production, Rel be the set of syntax elements recognized by the Rel production. An interpretation I is then five mappings ID from Data to elements of DD II from Ind to elements of DI IV from Var to elements of D IF from Fun to functions from D* into D IR from Rel to subsets of D* Interpretations are extended to terms as follows: I(v) = ID(v) for v a value I(o) = II(o) for o an object I(?v) = IV(?v) for v a variable I(f(t1,...,tn)) = I(f)(I(t1),...,I(tn)) An interpretation satisfies a piece of syntax as follows I satisfies R(t1,...,tn) iff < I(t1),...,I(tn) > is in IR(R) I satisfies t1 = t2 iff I(t1) = I(t2) I satisfies And(c1,...,cn) iff I satisfies ci for each 1<=i<=n I satisfies Or(c1,...,cn) iff I satisfies ci for some 1<=i<=n I satisfies Exists v1 ... vn c iff there is some I* that agrees with I except for the mappings of v1 ... vn and I* satisfies c Built-ins are handled by requiring that interpretations have to be compatible with the intended interpretation of the built-in Fun or Rel. This can be used to handle ontologies as well. Note 1: The condition language may need to be tweaked somewhat as it currently divides constants between data and individuals, but does not so divide variables or functions. Note 2: This treatment pushes variables into the interpretation itself, which is not the most common treatment, but works just the same. If someone cares, the treatment can easily be changed to the other way. EXTENSIONS The syntax for the "negation" extension to the core condition language is the core syntax with the addition that: LITFORM ::= Atom | 'Neg' Atom | 'Naf' Atom | 'Naf' 'Neg' Atom This syntactic extension should be more-or-less uniform across different semantics; it is expected that for some RIF dialects, no difference will be made between "neg" and "naf". In particular, the FO semantics for this condition language are essentially compatible with the standard semantics for first-order logic. It is the core semantics with the addition that: I satisfies Neg a iff I does not satisfy a I satisfies Naf a iff I does not satisfy a I satisfies Naf Neg a iff I satisfies a
Received on Friday, 1 September 2006 13:04:10 UTC