Notes from UCR breakout of 11/04

Notes for UCR Breakout  

- Propose a final version of the text for each of the UC, including
requirements analysis
     requirements without use-cases ok?
   4 general:  Implementability, semantic precision, standard
components, translators.
    remove these from motivates.  edit to present unified style.
    include coverage details.


 We note that in this document we deliberately refrain from defining
 notion of "coverage" in a rigorous manner, since precisely what it
 means for diverse rule languages to be "covered" by RIF may vary from
 case to case.  Intuitively, when we say that "RIF covers rule language
 L" we mean that rules written in L can be translated into a dialect of
RIF and the
 resulting RIF rules can be used by software designed to work with RIF
 to achieve essentially the same functionality as enabled by the
 original L rules. 
 - different semantics requirement refined.  
       RIF must cover rule languages with different semantics,
- Clarify limited dialects requirement

  RIF must have a standard core and a limited number of standard
dialects based upon that core.

-  clarify semantic precision   
  RIF core must have a clear and precise syntax and semantics. Each
standard RIF dialect must have a clear 
  and precise syntax and semantics that extends RIF core. 
- dialect  identification  (was semantic precision requirement)
RIF must have a standard way to specify the dialect of the interchanged
rule set in a RIF document.
 -is a glossary needed?
-  modify translators requirement 
For every standard RIF dialect it must be possible to implement
translators between rule languages covered by that dialect and RIF
without changing the rule language.
-   need requirement SPARQL use of XML datatypes functions etc.  (not

-  extensible format for rules     
   It must be possible to create new dialects of RIF and extend or
modify existing ones upwardly compatible.

- requirement on merging rule sets (need to add)     
  RIF processing should include the ability to merge rule sets.
-  XML syntax -- must supported named slots       (not done)
-. support for rule sets                              
  The RIF will support the identification and processing of rule sets. 
- datatype support - level of detail not enough   (Not done)

- use rdf for meta-data?  (not done)

Received on Sunday, 5 November 2006 13:17:59 UTC