Re: W3 RIF: F2F4 Proposal for collocation with ISWC now on WIKI --> comment

At 12:07 31.03.2006 -0500, Ed Barkmeyer wrote:

>Sandro Hawke wrote:
> > [Paul Vincent wrote:]
>>>It is somewhat ironic that ISWC'06 coincides(/conflicts) with Business
>>>Rules Forum '06 (in Washington DC). Attendance priority for either
>>>probably quite neatly divides the business rules and semantic web
>>>communities in RIF...
>>Indeed.  Said and I commiserated about this when they conflicted
>>last year and we wanted to attend them both.  Now might be the time
>>to push them to avoid the same conflict in 2007.  Is anyone here
>>involved in planning either of them, at that level?
>I agree.  I think these conferences choose date and venue a year in advance.
>I copied Terry Moriarty, who is the BRF coordinator, at least this year.
>I don't think the leadership for ISWC '07 has yet been identified.

ISWC2007 will be hosted in November 2007 in South-Korea. Feel free to
contact me in case of any questions.

Dieter Fensel,
Tel.: +43-512-5076485/8
Skype: dieterfensel

Received on Friday, 31 March 2006 18:56:04 UTC