RE: [UCR] Draft update for use case 8: Vocabulary Mapping for Data Integration

Hi Dave,

> I've taken a stab at redrafting a version of the 8th UCR use 
> case. This is somewhat abstracted from some real work on 
> management systems integration with some poetic license thrown in.
> or_Data_Integration

Looks great. I copied it over to the new wiki page (fixing the typo)

and corrected the link at:

Do you feel the final paragraph (below) is essential to this use case?

> Finally John will write rules to look for problems such as a critical
> business process which depends on a server whose maintenance contract
is just
> about to expire. When such an exception is flagged then the rules used
> to derive the information are reported as part of the explanation,
> each of the departments needs to see the rules
> used to ensure they agree that the results are valid.

To me, that paragraph takes the use case beyond mere data integration
into territory covered by existing use cases.

On the other hand, without it, the problem as stated at the beginning of
the use case isn't quite answered:

"John has been given the job of analyzing how exposed his division's
business processes are to changes in their IT maintenance contracts."

To address this, I modified the final rule to the following:

If bp is a BusinessProcess that has a Dependency on Application app
   and x is a Server with MaintenanceContract mc that hosts Application
      then bp has a Dependency on mc

How does this (and the rest of the use case) sound?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Dave Reynolds
> Sent: Monday, June 12, 2006 4:43 PM
> To:
> Subject: [UCR] Draft update for use case 8: Vocabulary 
> Mapping for Data Integration
> I think this is my final outstanding action ...
> I've taken a stab at redrafting a version of the 8th UCR use 
> case. This is somewhat abstracted from some real work on 
> management systems integration with some poetic license thrown in.
> or_Data_Integration
> I've left the original version in place as well so it's easy 
> to see what the new draft would replace (and make it easy to 
> revert back if this isn't good enough for the next wd).
> I've also left the typo in the name intact to avoid breaking links :-)
> Dave

Received on Tuesday, 20 June 2006 19:18:03 UTC