Re: [SWC] RIF & OWL compatibility

On 16 Jan 2006, at 01:03, Gerd Wagner wrote:
>> Note that the triple
>>      "25"^^xsd:decimal rdf:type rdf:XMLLiteral .
>> is not legal RDF, since literals can not appear in subject position.
> ("25" is a data literal, but is it an XML literal?)

Yep, please do see the MT document of RDF.

> Not allowing to express classification statements for
> data literals (but instead imposing the corresponding
> statement for a blank node) is clearly an anomaly of
> the current RDF semantics

Partly agree, but it *is* part of the standard.

> and can't hardly be the basis for any requirement on RIF.

Well, you have to consider that RIF has to comply to the W3C  
standards, being itself a W3C standard, right?

> Isn't there a plan already to remove this anomaly of RDF 1.0?

Not that I am aware of.


Received on Monday, 16 January 2006 07:34:26 UTC