Re: [Use Case] ETRI-UC1: Filling the holes of OWL ontology

From: "Bill Andersen" <>

>> I'm just trying to get people to be very careful about what they  
>> are claiming -- when we move to RL, we need to be careful about  
>> what is required for grounding variables (i.e. the rule above would  
>> be safe if you made it
>> Uncle001: hasUncle(?x,?y) :- hasChild(?z,?x) ^ hasSibling(?z,?y) ^  
>> Man(?y) ^ Person(?z) ^Person(?y)
> Does this mean "DL safe"?

No. DL safe requires all the variables (?x,?y,?z) be evaluated as named individuals.


Dr. Jeff Z. Pan (
Department of Computing Science, The University of Aberdeen

> There is a perfectly nice (pre-)existing definition in logic  
> programming of a "safe rule" by which the above rule (without the  
> addition of the last two goals) is "safe".
> Just want to make sure we're keeping our terminology clear.
>> This open vs. closed world reasoning can get tricky, and even in  
>> closed worlds, you have to be careful exactly what you are claiming.
> That's an interesting point and I don't want to get us all off the  
> track, but let's consider Jim's question again:
>> umm, well, yeah sort of - there is an issue that if I tell you
>>  Uncle(John, Mary) it is unclear to me that you could conclude from  
>> the rules above that
>>    hasChild(?z, Mary)
> Right, if this is the only rule and you're assuming a prolog-like  
> semantics.  Depends on what you want a "definition" of uncle to be  
> and how much of the classical flavor of that you want to preserve in  
> your rules.  If you want (switching to CLIF syntax with classical  
> semantics for a second, if you'll allow) the definition to be:
> (forall (x y z) (iff (uncle x y) (and (parent x z) (brother z y)))
> then
> (forall (x y z) (implies (uncle x y) (and (parent x z) (brother z  
> y))), so
> (forall (x y) (implies (uncle x y) (exists (z) (and (parent x z)  
> (brother z y))))
> with a skolem, you can turn this latter into two rules (switching  
> back now to Prology syntax and semantics):
> parent(X,f(X,Y)) :- uncle(X,Y).
> brother(f(X,Y),Y) :- uncle(X,Y).
> so if: uncle(mary,john), then
> parent(mary,X), and
> brother(X,john)
> both follow.
>> (or that it would be inconsistent for Mary to be in a class of  
>> people who have no parents) without grounding the assertions (i.e.  
>> using some sort of safe reasoning)
> Well, aside from such a class being completely uninteresting except  
> by virtue of being a purely logical construct on top of actually  
> having parents...  :-D
> But seriously, this is, I think, one of the central issues with the  
> classical vs NAF/CWA, and Jim's point here really illustrates it  
> well.  With languages like OWL-DL, you get classes like "people who  
> have no parents" for free precisely *because* these languages blur  
> the line between ontology and logic.  In exchange for that blurring,  
> you get all the classical niceties without having to sweat the  
> details.  Notice, however, that this does not follow from the use of  
> classical logic.  Given something like CL (or OWL-Full), you can  
> easily delineate your real classes (like people) from your logical  
> constructions (people with no parents).
> On the rule view, if you need such a class, then you can create it  
> and axiomatize it.  For many, the following would work:
> orphan(X) :- person(X), not child(X,Y)
> If you don't like the NAF-ness of the "no parents" condition, then  
> use a LP language that includes the classical negation
> orphan(X) :- person(X), neg child(X,Y)
> and, if you want the contrapositive and all that stuff I mentioned  
> above, you can do that too.
> I don't know what the right answer is in some global sense but I know  
> it's not as simple as somehow painting the LP folks as being somehow  
> naive or vague about what they "claim" just because they aren't  
> making the assumptions that come with the use of (a particular) DL.
> .bill
> Bill Andersen (
> Chief Scientist
> Ontology Works, Inc. (
> 1132 Annapolis Road, Suite 104,
> Odenton, MD 21113
> Office: 410-674-7600
> Cell: 443-858-6444
> Fax: 410-674-6075

Received on Tuesday, 21 February 2006 15:43:01 UTC