Re: [RIF] [UCR]: What is the RIF (revisited) --> disjunctive conclusions

On Thursday 09 February 2006 18:23, Vincent, Paul D wrote:
> Yes - I guess my "stake in the ground" is that RIF will be more useful
> to the state of the market (initially) and thence should allow the
> subset of "rules" that are widely used in commercial systems.

but you didn't object to what Dave said about taking RIF as a chance to tackle 
diversity in the less mature semantic web area [today, 14:42], i.e. an early 
attempt at standardization in a less restricted setting

>  I'm pretty sure that this rule is not defined as such in any
> Fair Isaac financial software system.

is this a good reason for leaving this kind of problems out of scope?

> Agreed - this is typically (in commerce) handled by planning and
> optimization engines, or constraint based reasoning. 

planning is another excellent target for rule-based systems - I can't see why 
should we leave it to others

> production rules can be
> (/are) used very successfully in data consolidation problems. If you
> consider the ETL tools, they are effectively processing specific (and
> unfortunately, often hard-wired) rules.

maybe they have to be hardwired because the rule language's expressiveness is 

somehow your message seems to confirm my thesis (?)


Received on Thursday, 9 February 2006 17:53:44 UTC