Re: [RIF] [UCR]: What is the RIF (revisited)

Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:

>From: "Ginsberg, Allen" <>
>>Let's grant that the RIF is a rule language and that it is executABLE.
>>There are still two questions that need to be considered:
>>1) Does a RIF-representation ever need to be executED in order for the
>>RIF to do any of its jobs, and
>>2) If so, does the execution required for the RIF to do its job amount
>>to the same thing as a rule language executing? 
>This depends on what you mean by "executed".  If a RIF-KB is translated into
>another rule language and the result is executed, is the RIF-KB itself
Yes, if this translation is part of an implementation of a specified 
procedural semantics of RIF. No, otherwise. The "otherwsise" case is 
likely to be the freqwuent one, I beleive.


Received on Wednesday, 8 February 2006 15:56:24 UTC