- From: Axel Polleres <axel.polleres@uibk.ac.at>
- Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2005 18:18:17 +0100
- To: public-rif-wg@w3.org
- CC: Sandro Hawke <sandro@w3.org>
Dear all, Find below a brief introduction of myself and answers to the questions sandro raised: -- Role: Alternate (principal is Jos de Bruijn) -- Regrets to first F2F -- Short Bio: I studied Computer Science at the Vienna University of Technology where he finished my MSc in 2001. From 2001 until 2003 I worked as a research assistant at the Institute of Information Systems at the same university. I received my PhD on the topic of planning under uncertainty using Answer Set Programming in October 2003, where I developed a planning front-end for the declarative logic programming system DLV and gained experience in the usage of declarative rule languages for describing static knowledge as well as dynamic action domains. I am currently working at DERI Innsbruck at the Leopold-Franzens Universitaet Innsbruck in the areas of Semantic Web, Rule and Ontology Languages, and Semantic Web Services. Relevant research projects and working groups I am or have been participating in include WSML and SWSL. I represent DERI Innsbruck in the AC of the W3C, acted as a local organizer of the W3C workshop on "Frameworks for Semantic Web Services" in June 2005 in Innsbruck and was involved in the WSML and WRL W3C member submissiond. I will be the main organizer of the upcoming international workshop on "Applications of Logic Programming in the Semantic Web and Semantic Web Services (ALPSWS2006)" at the Federated Logic Conference (FLOC2006) next August. -- Contact Info: Dr. Axel Polleres Axel.Polleres@deri.org or axel@polleres.net http://www.polleres.net/ -- what I expect to get out of this WG: An extensible modular rule language which unifies the extensions and requirements as specified in the charter. As interoperable as possible with but not necessarily on top of OWL, at least setting high value on defining efficiently usable fragments. -- what I hope/expect to contribute: My main insterest is in providing and fullfilling use cases for the necessary extensions in phase two, since I have experience with different extensions of declarative rule languages. Still, I naturally also want to actively contribute to the least common fundament to be provided by phase one, where I think that the WRL proposal provides a good fundament: This naturally focuses my main interest in Phase one on Deliverable: "Use Cases and Requirements" best regards, Axel Sandro Hawke wrote: > This is a good time for people to start introducing themselves to the > other members of working group. > > Because the working group is quite large (50 participants so far), we > are asking that each organization select a "principal" participant, > and let the others act as "alternates". Alternates are welcome to > attend meetings, but should in general let their principal speak on > behalf of the organization. This should give us an effective size > of around 25. > At the start of your introduction, please state "Principal" or > "Alternate", and "Attending F2F" or "Regrets for F2F", to help people > begin to form their picture of the group. > > After that, the topics one generally covers are: > > -- a bio summarizing experience you have that's relevant to the > work of this group > > -- as much contact info as you care to share on this public list > > -- what you expect to get out of this WG > > -- what you hope/expect to contribute. > > Thanks! I'm looking forward to seeing many of you next week! > > -- sandro > > -- Dr. Axel Polleres Digital Enterprise Research Institute - DERI Innsbruck Institute of Computer Science, University of Innsbruck +43-512-507/6486 Axel.Polleres@deri.org http://www.polleres.net/
Received on Wednesday, 30 November 2005 17:18:44 UTC