RIF Core - class memberships in rule heads

Dear RIF developer,

I have two comments concerning the restriction of RIF Core to disallow class memberships in rule heads (http://www.w3.org/TR/rif-core/#Formulas_of_RIF-Core):

1)  A pure RIF Core document (!no imports) would never entail class membership formulas. Is this intended? 
Why not RIF Core including full membership, at least class membership facts?

2) At 
- http://www.w3.org/TR/2010/PR-rif-rdf-owl-20100511/#Appendix:_Embeddings_.28Informative.29 
it is stated that "Simple, RDF, and RDFS entailment for RIF-RDF combinations are embedded in RIF Core", therefore the above restriction holds. 
This seems to be contradictory to "Forall ?x ?y (?x # ?y :- ?x[rdf:type -> ?y])" in
- http://www.w3.org/TR/2010/PR-rif-rdf-owl-20100511/#Embedding_Simple_Entailment

Thanks for your clarification in advance, Andreas


Received on Wednesday, 19 May 2010 20:35:15 UTC