[wbs] response to 'Call for Review: Privacy Working Group Charter'

The following answers have been successfully submitted to 'Call for Review:
Privacy Working Group Charter' (Advisory Committee) for Mozilla Foundation
by Tantek Çelik.

The reviewer's organization suggests changes to this Charter, and only
supports the proposal if the changes are adopted [Formal Objection].

Additional comments about the proposal:
   Mozilla supports the creation of a Privacy Working Group (the WG) and in
particular is happy to see the "Global Privacy Control (GPC)" deliverable,
and that the WG is replacing and "taking over from previous Privacy
Interest Group (PING)".

As a matter of record we do Formally Object (FO) to the "Privacy Labels and
Declarations" deliverable as it has not been incubated, which we would have
expected to have happened in the Privacy CG chartered for the purpose of
such incubations, before adding as a WG deliverable. We note that there is
an open pull request https://github.com/w3cping/administrivia/pull/46 on
the charter which removes this deliverable. The merging of this PR would
resolve this FO.

The reviewer's organization intends to participate in these groups:
   - Privacy Working Group

The reviewer's organization:
   - intends to review drafts as they are published and send comments.
   - intends to develop experimental implementations and send experience
   - intends to develop products based on this work.
   - intends to apply this technology in our operations.

Answers to this questionnaire can be set and changed at
https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/33280/privacy-wg-2023/ until 2024-01-18.


 The Automatic WBS Mailer

Received on Friday, 19 January 2024 04:18:05 UTC