Re: Microsoft and Fraunhofer using DRM to attack Open Source operating systems

You do no-one a favor when you make conclusion jumps…I'll give you an analogy:

On Sep 17, 2013, at 12:45 , Andreas Kuckartz <> wrote:

> "All three of the remaining issues with a Web interoperable DRM solution
> are addressed *if the DRM is baked into the platform*. The question is
> how best to accomplish this. The solution Microsoft has adopted is shown
> in Figure 4. ..." (emphasis added)
> In other words: abolishing Open Source operating systems is the aim and
> the attackers are asking the "Open Source browser community" to help them.

"The problem is that New York City is a long way from San Francisco, and walking there is impractical.  This remaining issue is addressed if an airplane is used to fly to New York City.  An example is shown in figure 3."

"See!  They are trying to abolish bicycles and cars!"

David Singer
Multimedia and Software Standards, Apple Inc.

Received on Tuesday, 17 September 2013 22:53:34 UTC