Re: Forwarded Invite to Discussion of EME at the European Parliament, Oct. 15, 11:00-13:00

On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 5:12 PM, Mark Watson <> wrote:
> But they are, and will continue to be, through <object>. Or is
> <object> something defined by W3C but not part of the 'open web' (as
> you define it) ?

The argumentation around "Open Web" is really weird when it comes to
EME. I think the part of the Web that requires a CDM that's not
independently (without permission) interoperably implementable to work
should not be considered to be part of the "Open Web" just like the
part of the Web that requires an NPAPI/ActiveX plug-in shouldn't be
considered part of the "Open Web".

(I'm taking it as obvious that the term "Open Web" arose as a
shorthand for "not Flash" but the sentiment really was using the stuff
that browser engines themselves independently interoperably

Henri Sivonen

Received on Friday, 18 October 2013 15:20:16 UTC