Re: Netflix HTML5 player in IE 11 on Windows 8.1

> Given the general unhappiness with DRM, someone who comes up with a viable better model will likely get a lot of interest.
It's already done: give your music by free download the same way as
your "competitors" (your users) do, if you are good enough your fans
will buy a phisical copy paying for the "added value" of owning a
phisical copy and go to your concerts. There has been a lot of music
groups that has got fame this way sometimes also in other countries
due to their own discographies didn't give them credit, some of them
current huge pop-starts like Justin Biever, just a poor unknown guy
that uploaded covers to YouTube just for fun some time ago...

With movies and videogames it happens the same. Take a look at Iron
Sky (that produced a great first-class movie just by crowdfunding) or
AngryBirds: Rovio have claimed that being their games free (at least
on Android) and also having a lot of duplicates on their
merchandising, they are still getting a lot of revenues due to the
free publicity their fans do.

The best commercial model always has been to develop good products. If
so, money will come sooner or later.

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monton de sitios diferentes, simplemente escribe un sistema operativo
– Linus Tordvals, creador del sistema operativo Linux

Received on Tuesday, 9 July 2013 10:50:52 UTC