Re: [webp2p]

> But this is badly off-topic for the
> mailing list. I suggest to end this thread at this point. (As far as
> I'm concerned you can have the last word if you wish, but I'm not
> planning to respond any further.)
I don't think so. The point that I want to remark is that UNO publicly
"affirms that the same rights that people have offline must also be
protected online", so regarding to the point of discussion on this
list, not only DRM and by extend EME and CDMs take control over the
user machine but also it does in a way that goes against human rights,
so the same way I can be able to make personals copies of my phisical
media or give it to others, digital content should be able to be used
on the same way and we shouldn't condone or work against this

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Received on Thursday, 22 August 2013 09:25:49 UTC