Re: "Enclosed shops" Re: HTML5 and DRM - A Middle Path?

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 15, 2013, at 11:31 PM, Andreas Kuckartz <> wrote:

> David Singer:
>> On Aug 15, 2013, at 21:05 , Duncan Bayne <> wrote:
>>> I have this image in my mind of a World Wide Automobile Consortium being
>>> asked by buggy manufacturers to limit the top speed of their cars to
>>> 10km/h in order to avoid rendering buggy makers insolvent.
>> No, it is more like the people objecting to enclosed shops, where
>> pilfering is much harder then when the same goods are sold from open
>> stalls in a market.
> You probably meant to write this:
> Enclosed shops which are operated in the homes of the customers and
> might be watching and listening to them on behalf of companies and/or
> secret agencies (again: Google Widevine is promoting "silent monitoring").

You've mentioned this and other similar things a few times and I've
explained how the EME approach is an improvement for users in this

If a browser integrates a specific CDM, what makes you think that they
will pay less attention to user security and privacy with respect to
that part of the browser compared to the attention they pay to the
rest of the browser ?

> Cheers,
> Andreas

Received on Friday, 16 August 2013 14:49:43 UTC