- From: matmarquis.com <mat@matmarquis.com>
- Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 18:36:07 -0400
- To: public-respimg@w3.org
- Message-Id: <D0E8C540-D225-4669-A5B0-9A8109F15118@matmarquis.com>
Sending today’s update on Eric’s behalf, for reasons explained below! Yoav wrote an article, everyone is giving talks in September, and I get on an airplane! ** Spreading the Word ------------------------------------------------------------ Our story starts in ancient times, when WURFLs roamed the wilderness, and mobile-only websites were a thing. So begins Yoav Weiss’ excellent introduction to the new markup on Dev.Opera (http://dev.opera.com/articles/native-responsive-images/) . It’s not often that we get to read a friendly, accessible, educational (and funny!) article about a new HTML feature penned by the very same person who is implementing that feature in two major browsers. C’est la RICG: bridging gaps and breaking barriers. When I am old and gray, I hope to be able say that the RICG’s main contribution to the web platform wasn’t picture, srcset, or sizes. They’re wonderful and they’ll make websites faster for everybody forever, but they’re just one set of features. To get them done we had to punch a hole through the thick technical, cultural, and institutional walls that separate the people who make browsers from the people who make websites. The lines of communication we’ve built between the different sets of people who write specifications, HTML, and C++ for a living seem more valuable than any one feature. That’s what I hope to look back on with the most pride. Bridging gaps is, of course, significantly easier when you’re able to crowdfund a Renaissance-man like Yoav who can contribute meaningfully at every level. Go read his article! (http://dev.opera.com/articles/native-responsive-images/) ** We speak ------------------------------------------------------------ Speaking of developer outreach and education, various RICG folks are giving lots of talks and sitting on lots of panels this month. Catch us if you can!: * Chair Mat Marquis will be speaking about responsive images at Refresh Boston on Sept. 18th (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/refresh-boston-mat-marquis-of-bocoup-on-responsive-images-tickets-12655028531) * ...and again at An Event Apart on September 23rd (http://aneventapart.com/event/austin-2014) * Dave Newton will be speaking at Full Stack in Toronto on or about November 22nd (http://fsto.co/speakers#dave) * Yoav himself will be leading two sessions at Velocity in New York City on September 16th (http://velocityconf.com/velocityny2014/public/schedule/speaker/155970) (20% discount with code “RESPIMG”) * ...and sitting on the image formats panel at Edge Conf in San Francisco on September 20th (https://edgeconf.com/2014-sf/schedule) . ** So look I am being called to board a trans-continental flight and still have some links that I'd like to share so here they are ------------------------------------------------------------ True story. * Marc Drummond is maintaining responsive images module in Drupal 8 and that is awesome because he is awesome (https://twitter.com/MarcDrummond/status/498188912087810051) . * A designer's guide to DPI (http://sebastien-gabriel.com/designers-guide-to-dpi/home) * There’s something exciting about randos asking (and correctly answering!) questions about picture on StackOverflow (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25396605/when-targeting-a-picture-element-in-css-should-we-use-img-or-picture-selector) * Old srcset is really, finally dead (https://twitter.com/respimg/status/500295619689594880) . See you in a couple of weeks! —eric
Received on Friday, 22 August 2014 22:36:28 UTC