First day a TPAC

Hi All,  
Firstly - a huge thanks to everyone who helped put together demos for TPAC. They have been extremely useful in helping us articulate the use cases and requirements.  

We (Yoav and I) had an very successful first day. We gave two presentations, one was a panel that we gave with Odin, from Opera, and at which Ted O'Conner (editor of @srcset), from Apple, and Travis Leithead from Microsoft participated. We had a chance to discuss our use cases, and show off the prototype implementation and a demo. If you want to see the minutes from the panel discussion, you can find them in the IRC logs (check 31st of Oct logs):

The second was a short presentation to the whole W3C membership - which gave us an opportunity to report on the progress we've made and to promote the Website to the whole W3C membership.  

Tomorrow we present to the HTMLWG. I will write a full trip report for the group once I'm back home. In the mean time, we will continue to talk to various folks from the relevant companies/organisations about responsive images.     

(sorry if you got a different version of this email … my email app seems to be having issues)  

Marcos Caceres

Received on Wednesday, 31 October 2012 23:55:36 UTC