Meaning of identifierSpace and schemaSpace

Hi all,

I have a question about the exact meaning of the identifierSpace and
schemaSpace fields in reconciliation services. This is one thing I would
like document better in the specifications.

My understanding is that these are URIs which represent the type of
entities and properties used by the service. Can we have a more precise
definition than that?

The canonical value for both of these is
"", which was used in the
Freebase reconciliation service, but can of course no longer be accessed
(if it ever was? sometimes URIs are not meant to be resolved in a browser).

This canonical value is used by many other reconciliation services, even
if they do not use Freebase ids at all: for instance, the OCCRP endpoint
uses it. Is it desirable?

In the Wikidata service I have used "" as
identifierSpace and "" as
schemaSpace. The idea behind this choice was that you can get a RDF URI
for identifiers and properties by concatenating their ids to these
prefixes. But that was totally a guess on my part. Perhaps I should have
used actual URIs there? Which ones?

So, in short, I would like a precise definition of the identifierSpace
and schemaSpace fields, which would unambiguously inform implementers
about what value they should have in their own services.



Received on Tuesday, 24 September 2019 10:15:00 UTC