Re: Next meeting agenda (October 2015)

Hi Austin,

On 09/22/2015 09:21 AM, Austin William Wright wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 22, 2015 at 12:08 AM, ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ <
>> wrote:
>>> RDF Interfaces was REC track before it was stopped.  Is there anything
>> else
>>> left to add?
>> What do you think about starting a dedicated thread for discussing RDF
>> Interfaces? I would prefer if we could keep this thread focused on
>> October meeting (agenda + date + choosing VoIP system). Thank you for
>> your consideration!
> The request is to add RDF Interfaces to the agenda, in addition to
> reviewing APIs in general. Melvin was raising the point that RDF Interfaces
> was mostly completed work, but there's many things we've learned since
> then, and updates to make (we discussed some details amongst ourselves:
> Streams API, an asynchronous API, RDFa integrations, and of course RDF 1.1
> updates, among others).

Could you please simply edit proposed agenda:

Personally I would find it practical to use this common time to decide
on our workflow, choose online workspaces we will use and then everyone
hopefully taking some ACTION-ables eg. writing clear charter, mapping
current ecosystem of libraries/tools/applications, coordinating work on
RDF Interfaces etc.

If we all add proposals for agenda at least 1 week *prior* the actual
meeting. We can prioritize topics via chat/list and than hopefully agree
on ordered list in first few minutes of the call :)


Received on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 09:45:37 UTC