banana-rdf libs for scala-js

Hi all,

  I want to make a port of banana-rdf's plantain implementation ( pure scala ) [1] 
to scala-js [1]. This should be quite easy. But I am looking for a good JS URL class
to wrap with scala-js first. What is the best JS URL class that can do relative URL
resolution, normalise urls etc for use in the browser?

  Btw. One could also wrap existing JS libraries with Scalajs, just as wrapped
Jena and Sesame with banana-rdf. I started doing this with Antonio Garrote's
rdf-store [3], but it was very early days of scalajs ( it was only at version 0.1
at the time).

  I think having both a pure scala-js implementation and a wrapper of one or 
more existing libraries would be great. This would help work out for example
how efficient the code produced by scala-js is, and in any case multiple implementation
are always useful ( no code is perfect for all applications ).

  To start I just wanted to do what may be the simplest but I may be wrong.
But if others want to join and help wrap their libs that would be very cool.
One could then with one line of code switch between JS implementations.


	Henry Story


Social Web Architect

Received on Monday, 30 June 2014 09:23:04 UTC