Re: RDF MV* frameworks


On 10/12/2013 12:35 PM, Henry Story wrote:
> Hi,
>     In order to write professional JS applications one requires
> a good MV* framework [1], such as those provided by backbone
> for the modelling, and views, Handlebars.js [3] for templating, ...
>     What frameworks exist in RDF land to make the model be
> RDF/Linked Data based?

VIE.js (with Create.js) perhaps?

"VIE.js is a JavaScript library for implementing decoupled Content 
Management Systems and semantic interaction in web applications. In 
short, VIE provides a bridge between Backbone.js and the semantic web."

I have played with VIE a bit, but haven't used it on any real project so 
cannot tell you much about it.

-- Kuno / warp.

Received on Saturday, 12 October 2013 14:25:25 UTC