Re: Are there any options with RDFa for Infographics

There is another way, it's supported but it's kinda strange. You can embed
those images not via the <img> tag, but via another embedding element. Try
using <object> and define some <param>s inside it with your params. Such
content model has only the <object> displayed. At the end you can insert
the img again inside the object as a fallback but objects are supported for
Finally, try not worry about search engines penalisation. Content hidden
via CSS stylesheets and empty elements commonplace throughout the web.
Only, they are the worst as semantic web.

To Jarno van Driel: @longdesc is not only not supported, but also useless
for this purpose as extended semantics have to be present on the page

2014-02-13 16:58 GMT+01:00 Ryan Patterson <>:

> Andry,
> Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately the client does only wants the
> infographics on the his "Infographic" page. I pitched to him the importance
> of having on page content but fell on deaf ears. As far as putting the
> content on page and using css to hide, this really isn't an option as
> search engines will penalize you for hidden content.
> I originally thought about using the content attribute on the image tag
> top put the copy in, but are afraid that would also be seen as hidden
> content.
> Here is a link to the page I am working on now:
> Here are a couple ways I have come up with but like I said before I am
> afraid I use these techniques Google will think I am trying to use "Black
> Hat" seo techniques.
> <div typeof="gr:ProductOrService">
> <span property="gr:name" content="PC Health Advisor"></span>
> <span property="gr:description" content="aaaaaaaa"></span>
> <span property="schema:image" content="
> ">
> <a rel="schema:url" href="
> <img class=" wp-image-1523" title="Infographic explaining why to use PC
> Health Advisor" alt="PC Health Advisor can save you from headache" src="
> width="auto" height="300">
> </a>
> </span>
> </div>
> *Notice my use of the content attribute, especially in the empty spans for
> name and description
> Thanks,
> On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 5:55 AM, Andry Rendy <
>> wrote:
>> Hi Ryan.
>> >putting the information on page is not an option
>> Is it for personal tastes or for publishing issues?
>> According to HTML specs and best practices, <img> is not the best
>> solution for infographics. Consider setting them as background image for
>> page elements, then wrap the text in a <span> and set the latter to
>> display:none via CSS (or using the old text-indent properties, but for many
>> reasons it is discouraged).
>> Can you show an example of the page where you need to use your graphics?
> --
> *Ryan Patterson*Search Engine Marketing Specialist
> Thoughtwire Media LLC
> PO BOX 8077
> Mansfield, OH 44907
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Received on Thursday, 13 February 2014 17:33:53 UTC