Re: how do I copy some properties that are part of a bigger pattern

I think I've figured it out:

<div vocab="" resource="/alice/posts/trouble_with_bob"
  <h2 property="name">The trouble with Bob</h2>
  <h3 property="creator" resource="#me">Alice</h3>

  <div resource="#me" typeof="Person">
     <span property="name">Alice Birpemswick</span>,
       Email: <a href=""><span itemprop="email"></span></a>,
       Phone: <a href="tel:+1-617-555-7332"><span property="telephone">+1

<div itemid="/alice/posts/trouble_with_bob" itemscope itemtype="">
  <h2 itemprop="name">The trouble with Bob</h2>
  <h3><link itemprop="creator" href="#me">Alice</h3>

  <div itemid="#me" itemscope itemtype="">
     <span itemprop="name">Alice Birpemswick</span>,
       Email: <a href=""><span itemprop="email"></span></a>,
       Phone: <a href="tel:+1-617-555-7332"><span itemprop="telephone">+1

- RDFa: property="creator" passes the value 'Alice' as well as creating a
triple (WebPage - creator - Person)
    - Microdata: itemprop="creator" passes no value and only creates a
- RDFa: This type of triple can be made by using @resource on any HTML
    - Microdata: This type of triple can only be made when using <link> or
<a> because there has to be a @href

The meaning of @resource changes depending on the way it's used. In
Microdata this requires different markup:
property + @resource (no typeof) == property + @href
@resource + typeof == @itemid + itemscope = itemtype

Is this correct and/or did I miss anything?

2014-04-17 12:14 GMT+02:00 Jarno van Driel <>:

> Thanks for explaining the comparison between the two.
> *"RDFa behaves differently if the element contains both @resource and
> @property"*
> I won't ask you about this yet Gregg because I've got plenty of reading to
> do still and want to see if I can figure out what's behind it myself. But
> I'm going to keep it in the back of my head in case I don't.
> 2014-04-17 1:16 GMT+02:00 Gregg Kellogg <>:
> On Apr 16, 2014, at 1:47 PM, Jarno van Driel <>
>> wrote:
>> I wouldn't actually know. I just am starting to wrap my head around
>> @resource, @rev and @rel. Haven't had time to look into @about as well.
>> Maybe somebody else can say something more educated about that?
>> @itemid is essentially the same as @resource; when interpreting Microdata
>> as RDF, it sets the subject of the triples for that @itemscope. It must be
>> used on the same element as @itemscope and @itemtype. If you also have
>> @itemprop on that element, the identifier will be set as the object of a
>> triple relating to a previous item using the specified property.
>> RDFa behaves differently if the element contains both @resource and
>> @property
>> Gregg
>> 2014-04-16 22:45 GMT+02:00 Larry Betts <>:
>>> That's some great information Jarno! Would "itemid" be an analog to the
>>> RDFa "reference"/"about"?
>>> Regards,
>>> *Larry P. Betts*
>>> Search Engine Marketing Specialist
>>> Thoughtwire Marketing LLC
>>> PO BOX 8077
>>> Mansfield, OH 44907
>>> Phone: 877-848-9581 Ext. 1055
>>> Direct: 419-610-2076
>>> Fax: 440-209-7783
>>> Email: <>
>>> Web: <>
>>> On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 4:23 PM, Jarno van Driel <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hey folks,
>>>> I just wanted you to know that after the last mailing I have been doing
>>>> quite some reading as well extensive testing and am happy to inform you
>>>> that Google now fully supports @itemid as global identifier and that
>>>> linking to it actually works!
>>>> Not only do I get the right results in Google's Structured data testing
>>>> tool but in also Webmaster tools. I've been testing with @itemid on my own
>>>> site, by having multiple objects link to the same entity, as well creating
>>>> cycles by having entities point to each other, and everything returns the
>>>> proper values and types.
>>>> I have reworked the example Niklas provided in Microdata so you can see
>>>> yourself:
>>>> (don't feel like reading the code? than look at what the SDTT makes of
>>>> it:
>>>> <body itemid="page" itemscope itemtype="">
>>>>   <link itemprop="copyrightHolder" href="corp">
>>>>   <article itemprop="text">
>>>>     <div itemid="article" itemscope itemtype="
>>>> ">
>>>>        <link itemprop="publisher" href="corp">
>>>>       <h1 itemprop="name">How to copy properties in RDFa Lite &
>>>> Microdata</h1>
>>>>     </div>
>>>>   </article>
>>>>   <footer itemprop="mentions" itemscope itemtype="
>>>>     <p>
>>>>       <span itemid="corp" itemprop="about" itemscope itemtype="
>>>>         <a itemprop="url" href="">
>>>>           <span itemprop="name">Corporation name</span>
>>>>         </a>
>>>>         <span itemprop="description">Corporation description</span>
>>>>       </span>
>>>>     </p>
>>>>   </footer>
>>>> </body>
>>>> Thanks for all the great input you have given me! I actually have hope
>>>> again that I will be able to make sense of RDFa because of it.   :)
>>>> 2014-03-11 19:02 GMT+01:00 Richard H. McCullough <>:
>>>>  You might want to steal some ideas from the mKR language.
>>>>> mKR lets you name any list of propositions, e.g.,
>>>>>       my propositions :: { proposition list };
>>>>> and manipulate that list in numerous ways.
>>>>> You can add, delete, ... propositions
>>>>> You can change the underlying class hierarchy
>>>>> ...
>>>>> *Dick McCullough *
>>>>> Context Knowledge Systems<>
>>>>> mKE and the mKR language <>
>>>>> mKR/mKE tutorial <>
>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>> Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 15:41:09 +0100
>>>>> From:
>>>>> To:
>>>>> CC:;
>>>>> Subject: Re: how do I copy some properties that are part of a bigger
>>>>> pattern
>>>>> Thanks for the sources Gregg. Some of 'm I know but with the new
>>>>> insights I have now I bet some of 'm will make much more sense to me now.
>>>>> I'll make sure to read it before asking more questions.
>>>>> 2014-03-11 2:01 GMT+01:00 Gregg Kellogg <>:
>>>>> On Mar 10, 2014, at 5:07 AM, Jarno van Driel <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> "...There is no difference here between links and "nested" items..."
>>>>> + "...Try the example..."
>>>>> Thanks, you just made my brain explode.   =)
>>>>> It's been a couple of years since my first attempts at understanding
>>>>> RDFa - which failed miserably - since I have difficulty translating the W3
>>>>> specifications in, for me, understandable rules on how it's supposed to be
>>>>> used and what it can do. Your comments together with the RDFa Play outcome
>>>>> succeeded where countless hours of reading specifications and experimenting
>>>>> with markup have failed me. Seriously Niklas, thanks!
>>>>> Now as for the IRC meet, let that slide for now. A tsunami of
>>>>> possibilities just flushed over me and I have to give it some time to let
>>>>> it sink in. The first thought I had after reading your comments and seeing
>>>>> the RDFa Play outcome was that writing an article about the use of @itemref
>>>>> isn't that difficult but comparing that to rdfa:pattern just became a whole
>>>>> lot more complicated. It now has become clear to me there is no 1:1
>>>>> relation between the two - where I thought there was - and that RDFa offers
>>>>> different solutions for many of the situations where one only can use
>>>>> @itemref in Microdata. Which IS marvelous but which leaves me confused in
>>>>> how to clarify that in an article without writing a series that's as thick
>>>>> as the bible.
>>>>> There are some great discussion threads on public-rdfa-wg in around
>>>>> December 2012, starting with a proposal from Ivan. Check out the
>>>>> "Reproducing Gregg/Niklas' thoughts ..." thread in
>>>>> .
>>>>> As Niklas points out, the original concept was that a semantic
>>>>> approach to property-copying, where we identified a resource and used it as
>>>>> the source for copying properties, and remove the original "template"
>>>>> resource. Basically, it could mostly be done using SPARQL with INSERT
>>>>> DATA/DELETE DATA. It's worth looking at the thread to see some of the
>>>>> thought processes that were going on at the time.
>>>>> I do know however that I want to limit myself to RDFa Lite since it's
>>>>> the RDFa community's answer to Microdata. Or at least that's way I
>>>>> understand it. So let me therefore ask, what are the differences between
>>>>> RDFa and RDFa Lite? Is there any clear documentation about the difference
>>>>> between the two I can read?
>>>>> The RDFa Lite 1.1 recommendation <>
>>>>> pretty much calls this out. Also, the RDFa 1.1 Primer <
>>>>>>. The key observation to the
>>>>> LIte recommendation is that RDFa gets complicated when there are too many
>>>>> attributes on an element, and the distinction between @about and @resource
>>>>> can be subtle. Even now, I see people having a problem with Microdata, when
>>>>> they use @itemprop on an anchor, and seem to expect the content of the
>>>>> element, rather than the value of @href to be used as the property's value.
>>>>> RDFa suffers from the same issue, but things get simpler when you restrict
>>>>> yourself to using fewer attributes and avoid combining them together.
>>>>> That said, there is quite a bit of power in full RDFa 1.1,
>>>>> particularly in the use of lists and chaining <
>>>>>>. Chaining is really
>>>>> useful when you have a number of resource values from the same property,
>>>>> for example the author list of a document. This avoids repeating markup,
>>>>> but it is a sophisticated feature. IMO, you really can't write RDFa (full
>>>>> or lite) or Microdata without running it through a distiller to verify that
>>>>> it says what you mean.
>>>>> Let me widen the question: Are there any sources you guys can
>>>>> recommend me to read about RDFa (Lite)?
>>>>> Like I said earlier, it's been a couple of years for me, so I hope new
>>>>> documentation exists by now, besides the W3 specifications.
>>>>> Manu wrote a great post on the differences between RDFa Lite and
>>>>> Microdata: <>.
>>>>> Gregg
>>>>> 2014-03-09 18:10 GMT+01:00 Niklas Lindström <>:
>>>>> Hi Jarno,
>>>>> On Sun, Mar 9, 2014 at 5:08 PM, Jarno van Driel <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> "...outputs two different nodes for what seemingly is the same
>>>>> corporation..."
>>>>> You're right in stating that this results in two instances of the same
>>>>> Corporation. Which is the only way in Microdata to have an Item
>>>>> (Corporation) be linked to other Items by means of different properties
>>>>> (copyrightHolder & publisher). The following markup simply wouldn't work in
>>>>> Microdata:
>>>>> <div itemprop="manufacturer" itemref="corporation-data">
>>>>> Yes, microdata (presumably) being a tree model prevents it from
>>>>> connecting items together naturally. It's a big flaw. It only deals with
>>>>> surface data, and says nothing about what it means. Perhaps @itemid makes
>>>>> it into some kind of graph at times though, it's hard to tell when there
>>>>> are no semantics explaining what that entails.
>>>>> In Microdata itemref can only get additional info about a Type. You
>>>>> can't use it on a property and then use itemref to get the @itemtype
>>>>> elsewhere. That's why in Microdata I have to declare the Corporation twice,
>>>>> to be able to link it to different entities (ItemPage & Article) by means
>>>>> of different properties (copyrightHolder & publisher). Which brings me to
>>>>> the question: Can this be accomplished RDFa Lite where it can't in
>>>>> Microdata? - keeping in mind that in this specific example according to
>>>>> rules the publisher and copyrightHolder are both expected
>>>>> to 'have' a type and are not supposed to 'link' to a type.
>>>>> Yes, it can. RDFa uses the RDF data model, which is a graph [1]. There
>>>>> is no difference here between links and "nested" items. You type and (when
>>>>> needed) identify things, link them together and describe their details with
>>>>> literals (texts) – all using properties. That is what I did in the example
>>>>> given.
>>>>> "...<p resource="#page">
>>>>> <span property="copyrightHolder" typeof="Corporation"
>>>>> resource="#corp">..."
>>>>> The downside to this method is that the copyrighHolder-Corporation now
>>>>> gets linked falsely. I quickly checked the output in Google's SDTT, which
>>>>> showed the Corporation being a child of the WPFooter as opposed to being
>>>>> the copyrightHolder of the ItemPage. The use of rdfa:pattern prevents this
>>>>> happening as does a itemscope without an itemtype in Microdata e.g. <div
>>>>> itemscope>.
>>>>> The Google SDTT is wrong. It should recognize that <p
>>>>> resource="#page"> sets the subject for nested statements (here ensuring
>>>>> that the <#page> has the <#corp> as :copyrightHolder). It seems that adding
>>>>> a @typeof:
>>>>>     <p resource="#page" typeof="ItemPage">
>>>>> makes it behave somewhat more as expected. But note that that isn't
>>>>> necessary in RDFa, it's just a workaround for a bug in the SDTT. (Try the
>>>>> example out in e.g. <> to see it more clearly.)
>>>>> "Also, the resulting data here doesn't contain two distinct nodes for
>>>>> what is apparently meant to be the same corporation."
>>>>> True, but the two distinct nodes also have type-specific relations to
>>>>> the two distinct items this example has, namely ItemPage and Article. Maybe
>>>>> that info got a bit lost because I stripped out so much of the original
>>>>> HTML. The source I took this from has an ItemPage with a gazillion other
>>>>> types attached to it while the Article is just that, an Article, with it's
>>>>> own set of properties, mostly separated from the rest of the content on the
>>>>> ItemPage, only sharing data from the Corporation.
>>>>> I think I see how you mean. But if you think of this in terms of the
>>>>> RDF data model, the items simply are resources linked together (and
>>>>> assigned some types, and described with textual properties), rather than
>>>>> blocks of data tied to the page structure (or the microdata tree structure,
>>>>> which hardly helps). In this model, the corporation is surely one thing,
>>>>> connected to from the ItemPage using copyrightHolder, and from the Article
>>>>> using publisher (both of which are fine since the thing linked to is of the
>>>>> expected type).
>>>>> "I'd be happy to take a look at such examples as well."< br>
>>>>> Maybe we should meet in an IRC session, like Gregg suggested, because
>>>>> I'm convinced we can keep this argument-counterargument up for quite some
>>>>> time. Not that I mind, since this mailing has already given me a ton to
>>>>> think about, but simply to be more time-efficient. Just let me know what
>>>>> you guys prefer, either way is fine with me.
>>>>> I'm fine either way too. :) I tend to have intermittent bouts of time,
>>>>> so mailing is usually better for examples. But I could go for a chat over
>>>>> specifics if needed.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Niklas
>>>>> [1]:
>>>>> 2014-03-09 14:19 GMT+01:00 Niklas Lindström <>:
>>>>> Hi Jarno and Gregg!
>>>>> It seems to me that this is a good example of where @itemref-like
>>>>> functionality is quite unnecessary in RDFa. The #copyright-holder simply
>>>>> contains a link from the page to the corporation, and the #publisher-url
>>>>> and #publisher-description contain properties of that corporation. The
>>>>> resulting microdata, however, outputs two different nodes for what
>>>>> seemingly is the same corporation, so perhaps the example has been
>>>>> simplified too much, thus obscuring what is actually needed?
>>>>> Still, In RDFa, instead of adding different @id:s to disparate parts
>>>>> of the page which are about the same resource (and then listing them in
>>>>> @itemref), you simply use @resource to capture the fact that a given block
>>>>> is about it.
>>>>> Your example can thus be written like this in RDFa Lite:
>>>>> - - - 8< - - -
>>>>> <body vocab="" typeof="ItemPage" resource="#page">
>>>>>   <article property="text">
>>>>>     <div typeof="Article">
>>>>>       <link property="publisher" resource="#corp">
>>>>>       <h1 property="name">How to copy properties in RDFa Lite &
>>>>> Microdata</h1>
>>>>>     </div>
>>>>>   </article>
>>>>>   <footer property="mentions" typeof="WPFooter">
>>>>>     <div property="text">
>>>>>       <p resource="#page">
>>>>>         <span property="copyrightHolder" typeof="Corporation"
>>>>> resource="#corp">
>>>>>           <a property="url" href="">
>>>>>              <span property="name">Corporation name</span>
>>>>>           </a>
>>>>>           <span property="description">Corporation description</span>
>>>>>          </span>
>>>>>       </p>
>>>>>     </div>
>>>>>   </footer>
>>>>> </body>
>>>>> - - - >8 - - -
>>>>> In my opinion, this is a more convenient way of handling data smeared
>>>>> out in a messy tag soup (with the results being shorter and more
>>>>> legible). Of course, you need to name these resources, unless they already
>>>>> have formal URIs, but that's easily done with a fragment identifier or a
>>>>> bnode id. (And note that in microdata, you instead need to ensure that a
>>>>> layout designer doesn't meddle with the @id values used by @itemref, for
>>>>> quite different reasons (their use in CSS and JS).)
>>>>> Also, the resulting data here doesn't contain two distinct nodes for
>>>>> what is apparently meant to be the same corporation.
>>>>> Remember, it is only when you need to duplicate a set of properties
>>>>> for different resources that rdfa:copy is necessary. And even in those
>>>>> circumstances, you might be able to leverage the way @resource can group
>>>>> descriptions together, to build up one pattern from disparate parts of the
>>>>> page.
>>>>> I'd be happy to take a look at such examples as well.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Niklas
>>>>> On Sun, Mar 9, 2014 at 11:51 AM, Jarno van Driel <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I think your and my latest example just passed each other Gregg. I
>>>>> guess I posted mine when you were writing yours because when I compare the
>>>>> two I see we implemented the same workaround by means of additional
>>>>> @resource.
>>>>> "I wouldn't recommend the use of included patterns in RDFa, but it
>>>>> can be made to work."
>>>>> I wouldn't recommend it either but unfortunately the everyday website
>>>>> out there consists out of a HTML-soup which doesn't allow for Semantic
>>>>> markup to be added in a nice and clean way. Now I mainly work on already
>>>>> existing websites, where I have to make do with HTML that's already in
>>>>> place. Therefore itemref or rdfa:pattern are indispensable when
>>>>> organizing/linking data that's smeared out over many different HTML
>>>>> elements on a page. I am very aware this results in markup that isn't
>>>>> 'nice' but it helps create meaning even if the HTML is a mess.
>>>>> "P.S., I think it’s great that you’re trying to describe this for a
>>>>> wider audience!"
>>>>> Well, I'm not doing it alone. Aaron Bradley is acting as the devil's
>>>>> advocate by asking me questions which mess up the solutions I provide.
>>>>> Which in return forces me to come up with different solutions and ask a lot
>>>>> of questions at the public-vocabs (and now here as well).   :)
>>>>> So trying to do something for a bigger audience will most definitely
>>>>> end up in something that has been contributed by many people. As always
>>>>> this kind of stuff ends up being a multi-community/person effort since it
>>>>> brings together so many different specializations and specifications.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Andy and Gregg,
>>>>> Thanks for sharing your knowledge, I'll make sure re-share it and am
>>>>> hopeful it will result in an article (or series of) which will try to serve
>>>>> anybody who is (or should be) interested in this type of info.
>>>>> 2014-03-09 6:46 GMT+01:00 Gregg Kellogg <>:
>>>>> On Mar 8, 2014, at 5:50 PM, Jarno van Driel <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> "..the @resource attributes get in the way.."
>>>>> Could you explain this to me a bit more please Gregg? Because if I
>>>>> parse my last markup through the Structured data linter and RDFa Play I get
>>>>> 100% the same outcome as with your markup. Yandex and Google see the same
>>>>> data as well (in a ever so slightly different manner).
>>>>> When I look at the output these parsers have no trouble extracting the
>>>>> @resources as different rdfanodes. Unless I'm completely overlooking
>>>>> something, or am breaking some cardinal rules, which both are feasible
>>>>> since I just got around to looking more deeply into RDFa Lite.
>>>>> In order to be able to reference the publisher-uri and
>>>>> publisher-description information as patterns, they need to have an
>>>>> identifier, which I supplied by adding @resource (and
>>>>> @typeof=“rdfa:Pattern) to each. However, this changes the scope of their
>>>>> properties relative to the copyright-holder.
>>>>> In you’re RDFa version you weren’t able to access the publisher-uri or
>>>>> publisher-description, as you do from Microdata. The RDFa property copying
>>>>> uses a resource of type rdfa:Pattern, which must be identified as a
>>>>> resource. For this reason, I added the @resource and @typeof for both the
>>>>> publisher-description and publisher-url. However, doing that, changes the
>>>>> current subject for each of these, so the “url” and “description”
>>>>> properties are allocated to different resources. To get around this, I
>>>>> added the rdfa:copy properties both the the publisher reference, and to the
>>>>> copyright-holder, so that the properties appear in each of them. I wouldn’t
>>>>> recommend the use of included patterns in RDFa, but it can be made to work.
>>>>> I’d recommend both for Microdata and RDFa to keep references simple,
>>>>> and using included references, while possible, can make things more
>>>>> confusing. This is certainly not a pattern we were concerned about when
>>>>> crafting the property copying mechanism in HTML+RDFa. They two really work
>>>>> quite differently: Microdata requires full access to the DOM so that
>>>>> referenced elements can be copied, which requires random access to the DOM.
>>>>> The RDFa mechanism operates at a semantic level, by creating triples as
>>>>> normal. RDFa is intended to work with streaming processors, where there is
>>>>> no random-access to the DOM. The spec provides details of the rules which
>>>>> are applied to achieve the effect of property copying [1], but it’s not
>>>>> really magic to RDFa, and could just as easily be done for triples
>>>>> extracted from Turtle, or even Microdata, if the appropriate copying rules
>>>>> were applied.
>>>>> I understood that you didn’t know how to deal with a pattern embedded
>>>>> in another pattern, which I attempted to address for you. I think that the
>>>>> RDFa I provided does essentially what your Microdata does. If you want to
>>>>> discuss more, we should probably meet on IRC.
>>>>> Gregg
>>>>> P.S., I think it’s great that you’re trying to describe this for a
>>>>> wider audience!
>>>>> [1]
>>>>> 2014-03-09 1:33 GMT+01:00 Gregg Kellogg <>:
>>>>> Hi Jarno, I don’t think you can do precicely what you want, since if a
>>>>> pattern is included in another pattern, the @resource attributes get in the
>>>>> way. You can do it by adding some more rdfa:copy properties. This is what I
>>>>> came up with:
>>>>> <body vocab="" resource="#item-page"
>>>>> typeof="ItemPage">
>>>>>   <link property="rdfa:copy" href="#copyright-holder">
>>>>>   <article property="text">
>>>>>     <div resource="#article" typeof="Article">
>>>>>       <div property="publisher" typeof="Corporation">
>>>>>         <link property="rdfa:copy" href="#publisher-url"/>
>>>>>         <link property="rdfa:copy" href="#publisher-description"/>
>>>>>       </div>
>>>>>       <h1 property="Name">How to copy properties in RDFa Lite &amp;
>>>>> Microdata</h1>
>>>>>     </div>
>>>>>   </article>
>>>>>   <footer property="mentions" typeof="WPFooter">
>>>>>     <div property="text">
>>>>>       <p resource="#copyright-holder" typeof="rdfa:Pattern">
>>>>>         <span property="copyrightHolder" typeof="Corporation">
>>>>>           <link property="rdfa:copy" href="#publisher-url"/>
>>>>>           <link property="rdfa:copy" href="#publisher-description"/>
>>>>>           <span resource="#publisher-url" typeof="rdfa:Pattern">
>>>>>             <a id="publisher-url" property="url" href="
>>>>>" title>
>>>>>               <span property="name">Corporation name</span>
>>>>>             </a>
>>>>>           </span>
>>>>>           <span resource="#publisher-description"
>>>>> typeof="rdfa:Pattern">
>>>>>             <span id="publisher-description"
>>>>> property="description">Corporation description</span>
>>>>>           </span>
>>>>>         </span>
>>>>>       </p>
>>>>>     </div>
>>>>>   </footer>
>>>>> </body>
>>>>>  Gregg Kellogg
>>>>> On Mar 8, 2014, at 2:37 PM, Jarno van Driel <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> <body vocab="" resource="#item-page"
>>>>> typeof="ItemPage">
>>>>> <link property="rdfa:copy" href="#copyright-holder">
>>>>> <article property="text">
>>>>> <div resource="#article" typeof="Article">
>>>>>   <link property="publisher" typeof="Corporation" href=?????>
>>>>>  <h1 property="Name">How to copy properties in RDFa Lite &
>>>>> Microdata</h1>
>>>>> </div>
>>>>>  </article>
>>>>> <footer property="mentions" typeof="WPFooter">
>>>>>  <div property="text">
>>>>>  <p resource="#copyright-holder" typeof="rdfa:Pattern">
>>>>>  <span property="copyrightHolder" typeof="Corporation">
>>>>>   <a id="publisher-url" property="url" href=""
>>>>> title>
>>>>>   <span property="name">Corporation name</span>
>>>>>  </a>
>>>>> <span id="publisher-description" property="description">Corporation
>>>>> description</span>
>>>>>  </span>
>>>>>  </p>
>>>>>  </div>
>>>>> </footer>
>>>>> </body>

Received on Thursday, 17 April 2014 11:49:16 UTC