Re: The long road ahead

It's not a simple matter of 'putting the site onto github'; there's a
pile of software involved that needs reworking and rethinking before
it could usefully be shared. All the recent source files for additions
to are expressed in RDFa+RDFS and are available in the W3C
Mercurial repo. As you well know recently added JSON-LD
examples (around Actions); in general, discussing JSON-LD took time
out that could have gone on RDFa. There's also a first cut at RDFa
versions of's microdata examples in Mercurial at W3C too.
I'm looking to revisit that idea in a way that would support
translation into other languages, as well as alternate formats.

Microdata is published on 4+ million domains - reports of its death
are somewhat exaggerated, and inflamatory talk of 'downward spirals'
does nobody any favours. Microdata deserves a stable specification at
W3C; whether as REC, NOTE or a .txt file. The Microdata *API* on the
other hand does indeed appear to be on its way out - but let's try to
learn from that rather than use it for rhetorical point-scoring. This
would be a very very good time to revisit the question of a .js API
for structured data that abstracts away from the question of Microdata
vs RDFa 1.0 vs RDFa 1.1. Is dead? Any
lessons learned?


On 16 August 2013 14:50, Manu Sporny <> wrote:
> Hey Dan, Chaals,
> I wanted to point out this thread on G+ about and how regular
> Web developers view what's preferences are wrt. RDFa Lite:
> It was triggered by a blog post I did yesterday:
> I know I keep harping on this, but it doesn't make it any less true:
> Web developers are going to use whatever the search engines tell them to
> use, and right now the message is clear: Use Microdata.
> Unfortunately, all of the fears I had about how was being
> built have now come to pass... the idea that Microdata is the only
> choice for is locked into many Web devs minds, and it's going
> to be very, very hard to undo the damage:
> If you guys truly want to have a level playing field here, update the
> docs, add RDFa examples. We've offered countless times to help
> accelerate this process if you guys would just open the site up for
> public contribution via source control - please put the site on github -
> we'll help do these long overdue updates.
> -- manu
> --
> Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny, G+: +Manu Sporny)
> Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
> blog: Meritora - Web payments commercial launch

Received on Friday, 16 August 2013 14:47:26 UTC