Re: Anyone able to help improve Dublin Core namespace XSLT to support RDFS RDFa?

On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 01:31:00PM -0400, Gregg Kellogg wrote:
> There are some minor issues remaining that I'm looking at right now:
> It looks like rdfs:command and dc:description are reduced in the RDF/XML output. For example, dc:Agent:
> <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
>   <rdfs:label xml:lang="en-US">Agent</rdfs:label>
>   <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en-US">A resource that acts or has the power to act.</rdfs:comment>
>   <dcterms:description xml:lang="en-US">Examples of Agent include person, organization, and software agent.</dcterms:description>
>   <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource=""/>
>   <dcterms:issued>2008-01-14</dcterms:issued>
>   <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
>   <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
>   <dcterms:hasVersion rdf:resource=""/>
> </rdf:Description>

I'm not sure what you mean by "reduced".  The Web document says:

    Term Name:    Agent
    Label:        Agent
    Definition:   A resource that acts or has the power to act.
    Comment:      Examples of Agent include person, organization, and software agent.
    Type of Term: Class
    Instance Of:

This matches the RDF/XML output except for the addition, in the RDF/XML, of
rdfs:isDefinedBy and of the date issued (of the individual property or class).

> The HTML output ends up pulling in several definitions for
> Perhaps this needs some
> additional filter to not define anything not in dcterms?

In the dcmi-terms/index.shtml output (RDFa-to-Turtle) I'm looking at, I only
see one entry for VocabularyEncodingScheme, as in [1]:

       dc:issued "2008-01-14";
       rdfs:identifier <>;
       rdfs:seeAlso <>;
       rdf:type rdfs:Class;
       dc:hasVersion <> .

The rdfs:identifier is wrong, if only because rdfs:identifier does not exist...

Compared to the Web document [1], what is systematically missing in this
RDFa-to-Turtle output (and in the RDFa-to-Turtle output for all other
properties and classes) is:

    rdfs:label for the "Term Name"
    rdfs:comment for the "Definition"
    dcterms:description for the "Comment" (though not for "VocabularyEncodingScheme", which does not have one)

What is systematically missing compared to the RDF/XML output (e.g., [2]):

    rdfs:isDefinedBy <>


> RDF/XML version does not provide a datatype definition for dcterms:issued and
> dcterms:modified. This is done in HTML using the <time> element, where the
> datatype is implicit.


> HTML version outputs rdfs:identifier equivalent to the subject. This is easily omitted.

+1 (see above)

> The XSL was not outputting RDF for text properties, which I've corrected in
> my working branch.

+1 - I should have read the message through before responding...!

The other error I see is: 

   rdfs:domain dc:Collection;

where Collection is a term from the DCMI Type Vocabulary, not /terms/, and
should thus be given with its full URI <>
or using a @prefix for the Type Vocabulary:

   rdfs:domain dc:Collection;
   rdfs:domain dc:Collection;
   rdfs:domain dc:Collection;

Do I correctly understand that if the HTML/RDFa document completely expresses the 
contents of the current HTML and RDF/XML documents, and we direct the PURLs to that 
document, we could delete (or rather archive) the XSL scripts used to generate the
RDF/XML?  The other simplifications I would like to make are:

-- Delete (or archive) the XSL script for generating the (redundant) stand-alone
   DCMI Type Vocabulary document.

-- Revert to the pre-RDFa XSL script for generating the "history" document [2].

This means that only one XSL script for generating RDFa would need to be

It looks to me like we are getting very close!



Tom Baker <>

Received on Friday, 11 May 2012 18:07:41 UTC